What is a manager?

In ArtSticker, the user who registers and manages artworks is called the 'administrator'.

The "artist" administrator

In order to register an artwork, there must be at least one administrator for the artist.

For example, if an artist works alone, one user is the administrator.


If an artist has more than one member, for example, more than one user can be the administrator. Untitled__1_.png

To become an administrator of an artist, you must register as a user in advance.

 For more information on user registration, please click here.

What administrators can do

Administrators can perform the following actions

  • Log in to the dashboard
  • Register and edit artist information
  • Register and edit account information
  • Register and edit artwork information
  • Check sales
  • Apply for a bank transfer

Registering and editing by multiple users

If you want to register and manage artist and artwork information with multiple users, you can designate a joint administrator.

For more information, click here.


Flow up to the publication of artworks

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